Monday, March 12, 2007


A question that people often ask writers is, "Do you write only when you feel inspired?" Any writer knows that if inspiration were the prerequisite for writing, we'd never complete a first draft. Sometimes we're inspired; sometimes we're not.

There’s a mystery behind the writer and her muse, like it’s some mystical experience where an ethereal creature shows up and whispers sweet somethings in your ear---inspired words that the reading public will deem to be brilliant---which you obediently allow to flow out your fingers onto your keyboard like you're channeling jewels from the gods.

In truth, just like any job, you show up. Sure, some days you feel like your every word is gold, infused with some secret ingredient that’s a mystery to everyone, including the writer. Many more days, you do your job. You show up. And just like any job, some days you don’t feel like it. On some days the quality of your work isn’t up to your best, but you show up anyhow.

But you know what? There's nothing else I would rather do. Although, I have been known to say: If I didn't love writing so much, I'd hate it.

We'll leave that for another post.

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